Finished projects

Here you will find the work we have done. Every project we have carried out is important to us, and we are committed to delivering the best possible outcome.

300kWh Battery Station in Saaremaa

We used high quality Deye inverters and BOS-G high voltage batteries. The whole system is controlled by Modbus R2 controller, which stores energy during the day and sells it at night. In addition, we monitor the generation of two wind turbines (60kW and 70kW) and a remote 20kW on-grid solar plant and switch them off at negative power through Modbus R2.

11kW Solar Park in Harju County

We tested it, and the result is that it generates energy almost the entire day.

13,5kW Solar Park with storage in Harju County

This capacity can meet the energy needs of a medium-sized residential or small business, while reducing dependence on traditional energy solutions. The panels are designed for maximum productivity even on cloudy days, allowing year-round electricity production.

V-TAC 40kWh Battery System in Tallinn

The solar panels were already in place; we replaced the grid inverter with a hybrid one, added batteries and smart controls. This energy solution is the ideal choice for those who want to increase their energy independence, reduce their environmental impact and at the same time save on energy costs. Thanks to high-quality components and smart controls, the system is reliable, efficient and long-lasting.

V-TAC 40kWh Battery System in Tartu county

Replacing the grid inverter with a hybrid inverter offers significant benefits, providing greater flexibility and control over the energy system. A hybrid inverter allows energy to be channelled as needed, whether for immediate consumption, storage in batteries or surplus back to the grid. This makes the whole system more dynamic, allowing maximum use to be made of solar energy output and reducing dependence on grid energy, especially at peak times.

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